It blows my mind that yet another year has gone and passed. Can anyone please tell me why the year went by so fast? I can't believe it's time for a new resolution post.
These aren't really resolutions as much as they are goals I wish to at least begin in the new year. I figure it's deeper and gives more motivation to have set goals for yourself due in December 2013, than saying "I really wanna lose 3lbs."
So, without further adieu, here is my list of goals for 2013:
1. Finish my client's website.
2. Work on a chapter of my book a week.
3. Start an online shopping website for clothes and dresses my friends and I don't want.
4. Continue posting for my food blog.
5. Grow hair out.
6. Lose 30lbs by mid year, 30 more by winter.
7. Create a fashion blog
8. Run at least a mile every day.
9. Take a painting class.
10. Drink more water.
11. Give a talk on bullying at a local high school.
12. Save up to $5,000.
13. Visit NYC.
14. Move to NYC.
15. Thank my boss every day for giving me the opportunity to work with her.
16. Start a book club.
17. Make a quilt.
18. Record videos for YouTube.
19. Take a few voice lessons.
20. Take a summer dance class.
21. Start to learn to play piano.
22. Get back in a show
22. Get back in a show